Quarantine has brought on a lot of negative thoughts and energy to my soul and spirit. For me and countless others, this year has been, at times, overwhelming difficult and unbearable to take. Going through the motions of day to day tasks and daily obligations is painstakingly complicated when your mind is so flushed and focused on all the bad that the media has to offer. I'm hoping with this blog it can be used as an escape from all of the mundane things life seems to have been offering, especially for the past 8 months. I hope when you visit my blog it becomes a meditative zone where your thought leave you and you become lost in the content that I create. Here you can find recipes, photos of orders that I fulfill through my home business "Bound By Bread", and restaurant reviews. This blog is going to be first and foremost for myself, to act as my therapy and cushion from the outside. It's a positive zone and I hope that by helping myself, you can feel the warmth and community that I wish to create.
This blog is going to help elevate myself to the next step of my dream. I wish to be like many before me, such as Andrew Zimmern, Guy Fieri, and the great and late Anthony Bourdain. From a young age, these men have opened my eyes to the beauties of food and travel. My heart is forever linked to the culinary world and I hope to be a fraction of who they are and were, while still creating a path for myself. My ultimate goal is to travel every inch of this vast planet we call home, and take in the culture of the food that the people have to offer. Though I'm starting small, I hope to one day take this blog on the road and write about my journeys, the food I eat, and the people I meet.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce you all to this part of my life. From here on out you are all my friends. Welcome to Bound By Bread.
The image above is a piece of art I commissioned through a talented artist I found through Instagram. The details she provided are impeccable; from my signature red coat, to my pierced ears, my bun with fly away bangs, and the twinkle in my eye! This photo will soon be on business cards and stickers. I cant wait for what the future hold for me!
Art photo credit to the Instagram user @kuhiart